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Book Week Parties

Every August, we have CBCA Children’s Book Week in Australia to encourage children to love books. They celebrate with story telling and dressing up as their favourite characters.

But there’s no reason that little kids should have all the fun, or that the books should be restricted to those put forward by the Children’s Book Council.  They do have an annual theme though so you might want to incorporate that.

Book Party Ideas

First, decide whether you are going to choose one book and organise your party around that as your theme with decorations, dressing up as the characters and some role play and games.

A single book or author works if you and your friends know and share a love of that author’s work – anything from Jane Austen to Michael Crichton.

You could be a demanding host and send them a copy of your favourite book with the invitation, telling them they must read it as preparation for the party.

On the other extreme, you could ask that everyone brings along their favourite children’s picture book from their childhood (or adulthood), dresses the part and reads it aloud. You’ll learn a lot about each other and it will be interesting to see if more than one person brings the same book.